Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hexbug: The Robotics Toys

HEXBUG feels its way around sensing objects in its path and avoiding them. And it can even hear! You can control where it scurries through a hand clap, loud noise or table slap. The robotic bug will travel forward until it hits an obstacle or hears a loud noise. It will then backup in a half circle and then move forward in a different direction. HEXBUG comes in five distinct shapes and colors.

Crawling bugs

Bump sensor feelers help it avoid obstacles

Change its direction by clapping or making noise

Fits in your hand

Batteries included

Additional Information

Weight (lbs) 0.034
Width (inches) 2.34
Height (inches) 1.3
Depth (inches) 2.66
Color Black
# of Legs 6
Control Autonomous
Sound Sensor Yes
Touch Sensor Yes
Light Sensor No
Battery AG13
# of Batteries 2
Batteries Included? Yes

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